A Plan For Economic Recovery & Reorientation

1er septembre 2020

Today, the Council of Canadian Innovators (CCI) released its latest report on the impacts of COVID-19 on Canada’s innovation economy. The report includes eight key recommendations for the federal government to ensure a successful and meaningful economic recovery that boosts employment, drives growth, and secures future prosperity for all Canadians.

The report outlines the critical steps Canada must take to develop a national prosperity strategy for the post-COVID economy, emphasizing an inclusive, green recovery that enhances job creation and economic growth. By addressing the unique challenges facing high-growth Canadian companies during the pandemic, the federal government can outline key-strategic priorities that can shape a meaningful post-pandemic recovery. Canada needs an different approach to economic policy that aligns with new global realities and drives bold decisions to build a resilient, prosperous economy.

CCI's Recommendations

Titled "A Plan for Economic Recovery and Reorientation – How Canada Achieves Post-Pandemic Prosperity," the report recommends that Canadian governments:

1. Introduce clear standards and guidelines for a safe return to workplaces

2. Prioritize market-proven Canadian companies as central to rebuilding the economy and revisit the framework for foreign direct investment (FDI)

3. Strengthen government supply chain resilience through strategic domestic procurement, particularly in healthcare and clean-energy sectors

4. Enhance Canada’s intellectual property (IP) capacity to capture the benefits of COVID-19-related research and development

5. Develop national data strategies for Canada’s most strategic sectors

6. Increase access to capital for Canada’s fastest-growing firms

7. Seize the rare labour market opportunity to reverse tech talent brain drain

8. Fast-track the adoption of national standards and regulations in healthcare and cybersecurity

These recommendations come straight from our members – the business leaders of Canada’s fastest-growing and most innovative companies. In addition to leading their firms through an unprecedented economic and public health crisis, our membership of 125 Canadian entrepreneurs provided critical analysis of current government programs, policies, and strategies. Since the beginning of this pandemic, CCI has heard from over 4,000 Canadian business leaders on the impacts of COVID-19 on all sectors of the economy. Their firsthand industry experience has helped guide, shape and produce this recovery plan, which serves as a reflection of the needs of today’s fastest growing companies, and tomorrows.

About the Council of Canadian Innovators

Depuis 2015, le Conseil des innovateurs canadiens est le conseil d'affaires du Canada qui se consacre exclusivement aux entreprises technologiques à forte croissance ayant leur siège au Canada, et qui travaille avec les dirigeants gouvernementaux pour élaborer conjointement des stratégies visant à libérer le potentiel d'innovation de notre pays.


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