Why Ontario’s Digital and Data Strategy matters for innovators

April 29, 2021

Today Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy unveiled the province’s long-awaited Digital and Data Strategy.

The Ontario government has previously said that it aspires to be a world-leading jurisdiction in the digital economy and technology-enabled services delivery. There’s a lot of detail in the government documents, and we would encourage you to take time to read the strategy.

The government will now begin consulting with businesses, citizens and other organizations about how to set up a new data authority which will be responsible for building modern data infrastructure for the social and economic benefit of Ontarians.

This is a really big deal, and the rollout of this strategy is something CCI will be following closely, on behalf of our member companies.

In response to today’s announcement CCI Ontario practice lead Alanna Sokic made the following statement:

The leaders of Ontario’s fastest growing companies understand the power of data to make smart decisions and deliver efficient services. On behalf of our members, we welcome the government’s efforts to become a leader in the data-driven global economy.

In particular, we applaud the government’s plans — through the launch of the Digital and Data Innovation Fellows program and Strategic Data Leadership Councils — to bring together the province’s leading tech experts to guide the government on sector-specific strategies for ways to harness and regulate government data.

Clear data standards will also help innovative, scaling companies develop and align their technologies and allow them to work more effectively with government. Properly regulating the data economy can create an opportunity for Ontario businesses to create more jobs and wealth for our province.

Since 2017, CCI has called on the Ontario government to develop a provincial data strategy will ensure that Ontarians own and control their data so that it can become an engine of prosperity for the province of Ontario while protecting our privacy, public safety, democracy and public health.

Ontario’s innovators are eager to work with the provincial government to execute upon the strategy and stand ready to offer their expertise in the data economy as the government seeks to meet the needs of Ontarians in the 21st century economy.


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