League Data is CCI’s Newest Member

May 27, 2024

The Council of Canadian Innovators welcomes League Data as the newest addition to our national network of innovators.

Headquartered in Halifax, NS, League Data is a cooperative company that provides financial technology and support solutions for over 35 credit unions and their members across Atlantic Canada.

“We help our partner credit unions with all aspects of their operations,” said CEO Carrie Forbes. “League Data provides more than just IT services, we also act as a CIO, and provide security services for all aspects of the banking process. Our mission is to help smaller financial institutions give exemplary service to their members.”

“League Data is empowering smaller financial institutions to grow wealth and prosperity in communities across Atlantic Canada,” said CCI President Benjamin Bergen. “CCI is excited to welcome a company whose purpose is to help strengthen their communities' financial independence and growth.”

Since 2015, the Council of Canadian Innovators has been Canada’s business council exclusively devoted to high-growth Canadian-headquartered technology companies, working with government leaders to co-develop strategies to unleash our nation’s innovation potential.


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