CCI Response to the 2024 Strengthening Cyber Security and Building Trust in the Public Sector Act

May 13, 2024

Today the Ontario government announced that they are introducing legislation aimed at making regulations around cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, child protection and privacy in digital services. In response to the announcement, CCI Director of Ontario Affairs Skaidra Puodziunas issued the following statement:

"CCI is pleased to see that the government is stepping up to take action on these fundamental policy issues. Both technology and policy are moving incredibly quickly in the digital economy, as society adjusts to the realities of digitized services, cyber security, data and artificial intelligence. Clear rules and guardrails are essential for fostering trust in technology systems, and we are pleased to work with the government to develop these policies in partnership with industry.

"At CCI, 2024 is the year of procurement, as we work with governments across Canada to improve their processes and policies for buying technology services. Ontario has already acted as a leader in this area, through its work setting up Supply Ontario. We hope that the government's regulations around artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, privacy and children's protections will be clear and well-communicated to private sector partners, to allow companies to seamlessly develop their digital services to meet government standards."

Media Contact

James McLeod
CCI Director of Communications


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