CCI Response to the 2023 Alberta Throne Speech

October 29, 2023

Today Alberta Lt.-Gov. Salma Lakhani delivered the government's Speech from the Throne in Edmonton.

On behalf of CCI's members in Alberta, and innovators right across Canada, Alberta Director of Government Affairs Jess Sinclair issued the following statement in response to the Throne Speech:

"In today’s Speech from the Throne, we were pleased to see that the Alberta government has explicitly acknowledged that technology and innovation are key components of the province’s economic future.

"In the legislative session ahead, we hope to see action from the government to support this vision, and drive growth in the Alberta innovation economy. In particular, we’re optimistic that the government will take concrete steps toward ensuring that Alberta is shoring up and retaining a healthy supply of skilled talent that will support the province’s domestic technology firms for years to come. We also hope to see government procurement modernization that cuts red tape for domestic innovators and gives them the best chance for success. Moreover, we want to see a greater strategic focus on intellectual property as a major driver of wealth and economic growth in the 21st century knowledge economy.

"CCI has been pressing the Alberta government to refine its approach to innovation in the form of a digital strategy over the past few years, and we would like to see this important work come to fruition over the coming months.

"Today’s Throne speech is the latest signal that the Government of Alberta is primed to begin giving common-sense innovation policy its due, but now we need to see the rubber hit the road."

Media Contact:

James McLeod


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