CCI Response to the 2021 Ontario Throne Speech

October 3, 2021

Today in the Ontario legislature, Lt.-Gov Elizabeth Dowdeswell delivered the government’s 2021 Throne Speech, at the opening of the legislative session.

In response to the Throne Speech, Alanna Sokic, CCI’s Manager of Government Affairs in Ontario, made the following statement:

“Today’s Throne Speech shows that the Ontario government remains primarily focused on managing the health impacts of the pandemic and the significant challenges confronting our province’s health care system.

“While we were encouraged by the commitment to ‘build an economy that makes Ontario the best place in the world to do business,’ it’s important to position Ontario for where the economy is going — not simply where it’s been. Ontario’s economic recovery will be driven by its homegrown, scaling technology companies that are already poised to drive growth and create jobs and wealth for the province.

“In spite of pandemic-related challenges, Ontario has made positive steps on digital government and regulation to support a technology-enabled, data-driven economy. CCI members hope to see more action on this front than we heard in today’s Throne Speech and we stand ready to work in partnership with the government to create the prosperity and growth that we all want to see.”

Media contact:

James McLeod


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